The Alcoholic Candy Cane, That Changes The Game.

As if candy canes weren’t already the cutest, yummiest Christmas detail there was… now I’m going to show you how you can make it part of your signature cocktail!

This cool creation will bring all that childhood nostalgia flooding back in one sweet sip.


- 2 shots candy cane vodka (crushed candy canes in vodka)

- 2 shots white creme de cacao

- 1/2 shot cream

- 1 candy canes for garnish

- (+ 1 shot vanilla simple syrup for extra sweetness!)


Use a blender to crush candy canes and leave to sit in vodka for 30 minutes to make candy cane syrup.

Use a drop or 2 of water to wet the rim of glass and dip it in crushed candy canes.

Fill a cocktail shaker with ice (crushed ice if you like!). Add the vodka, creme de cacao, syrup and cream. Shake shake shake!

Pour in the glass and garnish with a candy cane!

Thanks ‘How sweet eats’ for inspiring this fun recipe.


Christmas Cocktail, Ginger Delight.


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