Hosting 101 - the Ultimate survival guide

Hosting is not always as easy as it looks. It’s a lot of work to make it look like not a lot of work, if you know what I mean. 

BUT - do not fear - I’ve come up with a list of tips to help you survive your upcoming hosting duties so you can enjoy the event as much as your lucky guests! 

A relaxed host = relaxed guests!


Have the food you are serving as prepped as humanly possible. Chop what can be chopped in advance. Stir what can be stirred in advance. There is nothing worse than hosting an amazing event and not being able to enjoy it yourself. I carefully choose dishes and dips that are prep heavy, particularly if it’s a larger event. I love a meal or dip that can sit in the fridge ready, that only needs to be placed in the oven or garnished at most. Between topping up glasses, looking fabulous and entertaining guests - keeping an eye on something in the oven is about as much as you’ll have time for. Wanna offer lime in a glass of water? Cut that into wedges in advance too! Leave nothing un-prepped. I repeat, nothing!


Music can totally set the vibe of an event so best you don’t leave that to mid-event to sort out. My best tip is to create an event playlist in advance… rather than adding DJ to your list of jobs on the day. Spotify is amazing for this, you can ‘add to playlist’ when you love a song and carefully order them in such a way that the songs start slow and then pump later in the night once the drinks are flowing. Don’t forget to add enough music to cover you for the majority of the event, or else you might be listening to Lizzo’s ‘Good as Hell’ for the 7th time (Love you lizzo, but not 7 times in 1 hour kind of love).


Choose a drink (or drinks) that suit the food you’re having and the weather around you. I love champagne for a luxe girly event. The ceremonial pop of a bottle makes my heart flutter as it signifies the start of a fun day with friends and family. But whatever you choose - have it chilled and easy to access. Okay offering cocktails is AMAZING, but unless you have hired help, keep it to 1 cocktail type only, that you can have pre-made or at least almost made. That way you’re not spending wild amounts on different spirits either. Why not make a signature drink and have your guests oooing and aaahing over your creation. That’s next level!


I think you can guess what I think about styling…. Hire TaBelle! Don’t go purchasing expensive wares that you can’t afford or can’t get your moneys worth from. Hire TaBelle and we will drop the supplies at your door and pick them up the next day! It means you can focus on the drinks and the food , rather than stressing over what cutlery looks good with what plates. We’ve done the hard work, so you can look bougee as hell and your Instagram will be poppin’.


The Alcoholic Candy Cane, That Changes The Game.